What will be covered

This is a recording of the live webinar that took place on Wednesday 28th of April, at 10:30 am (AEDT)

In this one-hour webinar, we explore the regulatory requirements associated with providing learners with access to learning content, and how to go about creating learning content that is both engaging & compliant.

This webinar was the first webinar of our 3-part series, aimed at supporting education providers to create engaging learning content. Hear from our guest speaker Kevin Ekendahl, who is the CEO of Audit Express, he shares with us his insights on the most common non-compliances at audit that relate to learning content and how to avoid this in your organisation.

Topics covered in this webinar:

  • The regulatory and compliance requirements that relate to learning content
  • The most common non-compliances in relation to learning content
  • The importance of planning when developing learning content
  • How to use a Storyboard and Project Schedule to manage the process of content creation.
  • How to create learning content that is both engaging and compliant

This webinar series has been designed to support educators, instructional designers, course developers and compliance professionals working across the secondary, vocational and higher education sectors.

All participants of this webinar will be provided with a copy of our Storyboard and Project Scheduling Templates.

Register for this webinar